Speedify SDK for Android  15.3.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NspeedifysdkImplements a VPN utilizing Speedify's super fast, channel bonding technology
 CIForegroundNotificationReceiverForeground Service notification Interface
 CIForegroundServiceReceiverForeground Service Event Interface
 CIForegroundServiceStateReceiverForeground Service State Interface
 CINetworkSharingReceiverNetwork Sharing Reciever Interface
 CISdkStateReceiverSDK State Update Reciever Interface
 CIWebsocketIPCReceiverWebsocket IPC Event Interface
 CInternalIntentHelperHelper class for setting generating Intents for internal use
 CISpeedifyHandlerEvent Callback Interface
 CLocalBroadcastHelperHelper class for sending/receiving app-local broadcast messages
 CLogGenerationHelper class for generating a zip file of all logs, and sending it via a Share dialog
 CILogCompleteCallbackIf the Activity you pass to shareLogs implements this, then this callback will be called after logs are created
 CLaunchShareSheetLaunches the share sheet with the log file
 CLogActionInterface for a log action to be taken after log generation
 CSubmitToDirectorySubmits longs to the directory server using the sendLogReport
 CLoggingHelper class for logging to file
 CLogHandlerLog handler for a class
 CLogListenerInterface to allow developers to get callbacks on all Java logging
 CNotificationHelperHelper class for displaying notifications
 COptionsParameters for draining a notification
 CPendingIntentHelperHelper class for setting PendingIntent flags
 CPooledBroadcastReceiverHelper class for running BroadcastReceiver code off the main thread in a shared threadpool
 CPooledExecutorHelper class for running code off the main thread in a shared threadpool
 CPreferencesHelper class for storing/retrieving preferences from tray
 CSpeedifyHandlerDefault ISpeedifyHandler Implementation
 CSpeedifySDKMain SDK API
 CAutoConstructInterface for your Application class to provided automatic construction of the SpeedifySDK when needed
 CStartupBroadcastReceiverBase class for on-boot connect and killswitch functionality
 CStateTrackingSBRBase class for tracking startup/disconnect reasons
 CTypesData Types
 CAccountActionActions that should be taken on an account
 CAccountingDataData on an account
 CAccountPaymentTypeInformation on an account's payment type
 CAdapterDataInformation about a network adapter
 CAdapterUsageDataInformation about the data usage and limits of a network adapter
 CAutoConnectMethodMethods for automatic server selection
 CBondingModeMode of the VPN tunnel
 CCaptivePortalStatsContains stats regarding the captive portal
 CConnectionPriorityHow a connection should be combined
 CConnectionStateState of Speedify on a given connection (network adapter)
 CConnectionStatsStatistics about a connection
 CConnectionStatsGroupA grouping of ConnectionStats
 CDaemonLogSettingsSettings for logging in the daemon
 CDirectorySettingsDirectory settings
 CDisconnectEventInformation about a disconnect event
 CDisconnectReasonReason for a disconnect
 CErrorTypeType classification for a login or connect error
 CFirewallModeHow firewall treats matches
 CFirewallPortA firewalled port
 CFirewallSettingsFirewall settings
 CForwardedPortA forwarded port
 CHandlerStatsContains stats regarding the packet handler, for use in session stats
 CIPRangeRepresents an IP network segment
 CLocalProxyDomainWatchlistItemLocal proxy domain watchlist item
 CLocalProxyPortA proxied port
 CLocalProxySettingsLocal proxy settings
 CLogLevelLog levels in the SDK
 CNetworkSharingNetwork Sharing types
 CNetworkTypeType of network adapter
 CPortProtocolProtocol for ports
 CPrivacySettingsPrivacy settings
 CProtocolPortPairA forwarded port
 CProxyMatchModeHow local proxy treats matches
 CRestartReasonReason for restart
 CServerInformationInformation about a server
 CServerInformationDetailedDetailed information about a server
 CServerSettingsAutomatic server selection method settings
 CSessionStatPeriodsStatistics for sessions over various time periods
 CSessionStatsStatistics for a period
 CSettingsSpeedify settings
 CSettingsLockReasonSettings Lock Reason
 CSpeedTestResultDataResults of a speed test
 CSpeedTestTypeInternal speed test types
 CStateState of the VPN
 CStreamHealthStream health indicator
 CStreamingPortA streaming port
 CStreamingSessionStatsContains session stats regarding streaming mode
 CStreamingSettingsSettings for the priority streaming
 CStreamingStatsStreaming mode stats
 CStreamStatsStatistics for a single stream
 CSubnetA subnet
 CTransportModeTransport Protocol modes
 CTunStatsContains stats regarding the TUN, for use in session stats
 CUuidProviderHelper class for getting unique ID of the device
 CWebsocketAutoConfigMethods to obtain IP and port used for interprocess communication when not explicitly specifying a port