Main Speedify SDK calls.
CSpeedifySDK | SpeedifySDK_Create (uint16_t port) |
| Create a new SDK object. More...
CSpeedifySDK | SpeedifySDK_CreateWithSettings (SpeedifySDK_CreateSettings settings) |
| Create a new SDK object. More...
void | SpeedifySDK_Destroy (CSpeedifySDK sdk) |
| Destroys an SDK object. More...
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_SetAppName (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_AppNameString name) |
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_GetState (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get the current state of Speedify. More...
SpeedifySDK_VersionResult | SpeedifySDK_GetVersion (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_VersionCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get the version of the connected Speedify daemon. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectAuto (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_AutoConnectMethod method, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Connect to a server by an automatic selection method. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectCountry (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Connect to a server by server country. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectCity (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, const char *city, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Connect to a server by server city. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectServer (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, const char *city, int32_t num, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Connect to a specific server. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectServerExact (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, const char *city, int32_t num, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Connect to a specific server, without fallback. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectProxy (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Runs the Speedify VPN as a local proxy, without a connection to a remote server. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectIgnoreLast (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Connect using the current selection setting, but choose a different server instance than the one last used. More...
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_Disconnect (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
- Disconnect from the server if connected, or cancel a connection attempt if currenty connecting.
SpeedifySDK_ActivationCodeResult | SpeedifySDK_GetActivationCode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ActivationCodeCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Gets an activation code usable to login via the website. More...
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_Login (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *username, const char *password, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Authenticate a new user. More...
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_LoginOAuth (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *oauthAccessToken, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Authenticate a new user using an oauth access token. More...
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_RefreshOAuthToken (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *newOAuthAccessToken, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Refreshes the current oauth access token. The application is responsible for fetching updated access tokens if using this method. If not logged in or logged in not using oauth, this will initiate a new login. Otherwise, the new token is stored to be used for future requests. Calling this from a logged in state presumes this is a token for the same user. More...
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_LoginAutoAccount (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Logs out of any current account and logs in to an automatically generated account for this device. More...
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_LoginLocalLoopbackOnly (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Comcast Loopback Function. More...
SpeedifySDK_StateResult | SpeedifySDK_Logout (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_StateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Logout the current user. More...
SpeedifySDK_AccountCheckResult | SpeedifySDK_AccountCheck (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *email, SpeedifySDK_AccountCheckCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Check if there is already an account using this email address. More...
SpeedifySDK_AccountCreateResult | SpeedifySDK_AccountCreate (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *email, const char *password, SpeedifySDK_AccountCreateCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Create a new account using this email address. More...
SpeedifySDK_AccountPasswordChangeResult | SpeedifySDK_AccountPasswordChange (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *email, const char *originalPassword, const char *newPassword, SpeedifySDK_AccountPasswordChangeCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Change the password on the account. More...
SpeedifySDK_DirectoryResult | SpeedifySDK_GetDirectory (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_DirectoryCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get a list of available servers from the directory list. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectResult | SpeedifySDK_GetConnectedServer (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ConnectCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get the currently or last connected server. More...
SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetESNIEnabled (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enableEsni, SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if ESNI is used when talking to the directory domain. More...
SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDirectoryDomain (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *domain, SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Change directory server used for user authentication and server management. More...
SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_ResetDirectoryDomain (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Reset the directory server to defaults. More...
SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDirectoryGatewayURI (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *gatewayUri, SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set an oauth gateway to use for directory server requests. More...
SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_ResetDirectoryGatewayURI (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Reset the directory oauth gateway to defaults. More...
SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetDirectorySettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_DirectorySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get the directory settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_AccountingResult | SpeedifySDK_GetAccountingData (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_AccountingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Gets information on the currently used account. More...
SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetServerSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get the default connection method. More...
SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectMethodAuto (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_AutoConnectMethod method, SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the default connection method to an automatic selection method. More...
SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectMethodCountry (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the default connection method to a specific country. More...
SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectMethodCity (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, const char *city, SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the default connection method to a specific city. More...
SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectMethodServer (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, const char *city, int32_t num, SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the default connection method to a specific server. More...
SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectMethodServerExact (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *country, const char *city, int32_t num, SpeedifySDK_ServerSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the default connection method to a specific server, without fallback. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get general connecttion settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetEnableDefaultRoute (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set whether the default route ( goes over the VPN tunnel. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetJumboPackets (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether to allow jumbo packets over the VPN tunnel. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetAllowChaChaEncryption (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Allow or disallow use of ChaCha for connection encryptions. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetTunnelEncrypted (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets encryption status on all connections forming the tunnels. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetMode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_BondingMode mode, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Change the basic mode of operation, between optimizing for speed or maximizing reliability. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetStartupConnect (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set if Speedify should autmatically connect when the daemon starts. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectionTransportMode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_TransportMode mode, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the transport mode selection used for each connection. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetForwardPorts (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_ForwardedPort *ports, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set ports to be forwarded to this client when connected to a dedicated server. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDownstreamSubnets (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_Subnet *subnets, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the downstream subnets available on this device. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetOverflowThreshold (CSpeedifySDK sdk, double mbpsOverflow, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the overflow threshold. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetPriorityOverflowThreshold (CSpeedifySDK sdk, double mbpsOverflow, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the priority overflow threshold, which is used when there is active priority traffic (i.e. real-time streams). More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetPacketAggregation (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether to allow aggregating smaller packets sent over the VPN. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetPrivacySettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Gets privacy settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDoNotStoreCredentials (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool doNotStore, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if credentials will not be stored. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetKillswitch (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if Internet Killswitch should be enabled. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDNSLeakProtection (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if DNS Leak protection is enabled. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetIPLeakProtection (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if IP Leak protection is enabled. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetRequestToDisableDoH (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool disableDoH, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Requests that browsers do not use DNS over HTTPS. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDNSServers (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_IPAddressString *dnsAddrs, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets DNS servers to use. More...
SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetAPIProtection (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_PrivacySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if API protection is enabled to prevent api leak over non-local connections. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_GetAdapters (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Gets a list of current adapters. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectionPriorities (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, SpeedifySDK_ConnectionPriority priority, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Change priorities of a connection. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_EnableAutomaticConnectionPriority (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set if automatic priority is allowed. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectionDirectionalMode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, SpeedifySDK_ConnectionDirectionalMode uploadMode, SpeedifySDK_ConnectionDirectionalMode downloadMode, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the connection directional mode. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetTargetNumberOfConnections (CSpeedifySDK sdk, int32_t numUploadConnections, int32_t numDownloadConnections, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the target number of connections. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_ResetConnectionRateLimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Reset the speed rate limit on a connection to unlimited. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectionRateLimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, int64_t bps, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the speed rate limit on a connection. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_DisableAdapterMonthlyDataLimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the adapter to unlimited daily data usage. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_SetAdapterMonthlyDataLimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, int64_t allowedBytes, int64_t resetDay, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the data usage, in bytes, allowed on this adapter in a single month. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_DisableAdapterDailyDataLimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the adapter to unlimited daily data usage. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_SetAdapterDailyDataLimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, int64_t allowedBytes, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the data usage, in bytes, allowed on this adapter in a single day. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_AddAdapterDailyDataLimitBoost (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, int64_t additionalBytes, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Adds additional bytes to the adapter's daily data usage limit for today. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_SetAdapterOverlimitRateLimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, int64_t bps, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets how to handle an adapter that has hit its daily or monthly data limit. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdaptersResult | SpeedifySDK_ResetAdapterUsage (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, SpeedifySDK_AdaptersCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Resets the tracked data usage on an adapter. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectionEncryption (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, bool encrypted, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Change encryption settings per connection. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetConnectionExposeDscp (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID, bool exposed, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Change expose DSCP setting per connection, which allows DSCP values of internal packets to be exposed on the VPN transport connections. Only supported on Linux. More...
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_EnableStatUpdates (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, uint8_t periodCount, uint32_t *periods) |
| Enable periodic connection stats, adapter list updates, session stats, and streaming stats to be sent while Speedify is connected. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectionStatsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetConnectionStats (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ConnectionStatsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get stats on current connections to the Speedify server. More...
SpeedifySDK_ConnectionStatsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetHistoricConnectionStats (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ConnectionStatsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Gets historic tunnel stats for last 5 minutes. More...
SpeedifySDK_SessionStatsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetSessionStats (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SessionStatsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get session stats.
Supports Subscription. More...
SpeedifySDK_StreamingStatsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetStreamingStats (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_StreamingStatsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get streaming stats.
Supports Subscription. More...
SpeedifySDK_NewAdapterResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForNewAdapter (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NewAdapterCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Receive messages when a new adapter is connected. More...
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_HandleNewAdapter (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID) |
| Clear a new adapter message. More...
SpeedifySDK_AdapterOverlimitResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForAdapterOverlimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_AdapterOverlimitCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Receive messages when an adapter reaches its daily or monthly limit. More...
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_HandleAdapterOverlimit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *adapterID) |
| Clear an overlimit message. More...
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_SetReportingEncryptionKey (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *key128bit) |
| Set reporting encryption key. More...
SpeedifySDK_TorrentResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForTorrentDetection (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_TorrentCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Receive messages when a torrent is detected. Subscription Only. More...
SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalCheckResult | SpeedifySDK_CheckForCaptivePortals (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalCheckCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Check for captive portals. More...
SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalCheckResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForCaptivePortals (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalCheckCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Receive messages when a captive protal is detected. Subscription Only. More...
SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalLoginResult | SpeedifySDK_SetCaptivePortalLoginMode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, const char *adapterID, SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalLoginCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Controls the captive portal login mode. If enabled, new port 80, 443, and 53 sockets will be directed through the chosen adapter instead of over the VPN tunnel. Can only be started while the VPN tunnel is connected. If enabling, an adapterID must be provided. More...
SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalLoginResult | SpeedifySDK_GetCaptivePortalLoginMode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_CaptivePortalLoginCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get status of the captive portal login mode. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetLocalProxySettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get configuration of the local proxy. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyEnabled (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Enables or disables the local proxy. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyMatchMode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_ProxyMatchMode matchMode, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the match mode used by the local proxy. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyDomains (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_DomainString *domains, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set domains to proxy locally, instead of going through the VPN. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyIPv4 (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, struct in_addr *ipv4, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set IPv4 address to proxy locally, instead of going through the VPN. IP addresses should be in network byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyIPv6 (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, struct in6_addr *ipv6, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set IPv6 address to proxy locally, instead of going through the VPN. IP addresses should be in network byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyPorts (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxyPort *ports, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set ports to proxy locally, instead of going through the VPN. Ports should be in host byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyDomainWatchlist (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxyDomainWatchlistItem *domainWatchlist, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set domain watchlist settings for the local proxy. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyDomainWatchlistEnable (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *title, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Toggle a single domain watchlist item from being enabled over the local proxy. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalProxyGlobalDomainWatchlistEnable (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool watchlistEnabled, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if settings in the local proxy domain watchlist entries are applied. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_ResetLocalProxyDomainWatchlist (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxySettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Resets the local proxy domain watchlist entries to their default settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_LocalProxyDomainWatchlistHitResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForLocalProxyDomainWatchlistHit (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_LocalProxyDomainWatchlistHitCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Receive messages when a domain watchlist domain is detected. More...
SpeedifySDK_VendorSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLocalVendorSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *settingsJson, bool merge, SpeedifySDK_VendorSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set local vendor settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_VendorSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetLocalVendorSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_VendorSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get local vendor settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_VendorSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetRemoteVendorSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_VendorSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get remote vendor settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_VendorUserDataResult | SpeedifySDK_SetVendorUserData (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *vendorUserData, SpeedifySDK_VendorUserDataCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set vendor user data. More...
SpeedifySDK_VendorUserDataResult | SpeedifySDK_GetVendorUserData (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_VendorUserDataCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get vendor user data. More...
SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetFirewallSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get configuration of the firewall. More...
SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetFirewallMode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_FirewallMode mode, SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the mode used by the firewall. More...
SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetFirewallDomains (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_DomainString *domains, SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set domains to firewall. More...
SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetFirewallIPv4 (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, struct in_addr *ipv4, SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set IPv4 address to firewall. IP addresses should be in network byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetFirewallIPv6 (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, struct in6_addr *ipv6, SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set IPv6 address to firewall. IP addresses should be in network byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetFirewallPorts (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_FirewallPort *ports, SpeedifySDK_FirewallSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set ports to firewall Ports should be in host byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_StartSafeBrowsing (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *initConfig, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Start Safe Browsing. Wrapper for InitSafeBrowsing and SetSafeBrowsingEnabled. After this call Safe Browsing is initialized and enabled. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_StopSafeBrowsing (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Terminate Safe Browsing. Wrapper for InitSafeBrowsing and SetSafeBrowsingEnabled After this call Safe Browsing is not initialized, and disabled. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_InitSafeBrowsing (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *initConfig, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Initialize Safe Browsing library. Call with empty string to terminate safe browsing, and reset initialized state. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_SetSafeBrowsingConfig (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *safeBrowsingConfig, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets an optional config, used to bypass certain initialization steps. Applied to subsequent init calls. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_SetSafeBrowsingEnabled (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if Safe Browsing is enabled. More...
SpeedifySDK_DisconnectEventResult | SpeedifySDK_GetLastDisconnectEvent (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_DisconnectEventCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get the last session disconnect event. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_GetSafeBrowsing (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get log file settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingStatsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetSafeBrowsingStats (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingStatsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get Safe Browsing lookup stats. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingErrorResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForSafeBrowsingError (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingErrorCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Receive messages when a Safe Browsing lookup fails. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingBlockResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForSafeBrowsingBlock (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingBlockCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Receive messages when a host is blocked. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_SetSafeBrowsingLogLevel (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingLogLevel logLevel, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the libsafebro logging level. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_RefreshSafeBrowsingToken (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *token, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Update the NSP token. Only call if previous token has become invalid, as told through receiving a CUJO_ERR_INVALID_NSP_TOKEN error. If connecting to safebrowsing for the first time with a token, use the SpeedifySDK_InitSafeBrowsing call. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_ReportSafeBrowsingHomeNetwork (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Report the current connected network is a home network. Use default retry/delay/timeout values If current network is Safe Browsing protected, CUJO_ERR_ON_PROTECTED_NETWORK will be returned. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_ReportSafeBrowsingHomeNetworkWithParameters (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint32_t retries, uint64_t delay, uint64_t timeout, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Report the current connected network is a home network. If current network is Safe Browsing protected, CUJO_ERR_ON_PROTECTED_NETWORK will be returned. More...
SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingResult | SpeedifySDK_SetSafeBrowsingSafeNetworkOverride (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingSafeNetworkOverride snOverride, SpeedifySDK_SafeBrowsingCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Override the safe network decision. This setting overrides the safe/unsafe network decision made by the SDK when calling SpeedifySDK_ReportSafeBrowsingHomeNetwork. More...
SpeedifySDK_LogSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetLogSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_LogSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get Safe Browsing mode settings Supports Subscription. More...
SpeedifySDK_LogSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDaemonLogSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_DaemonLogSettings daemon, SpeedifySDK_LogSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set daemon log file settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_EraseAllLogFiles (CSpeedifySDK sdk) |
| Erase all log files. More...
SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetStreamingSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get configuration of streaming settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetStreamingDomains (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_DomainString *domains, SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set domains to be identified as streams. More...
SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetStreamingIPv4 (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, struct in_addr *ipv4, SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set IPv4 address to be identified as streams. IP addresses should be in network byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetStreamingIPv6 (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, struct in6_addr *ipv6, SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set IPv6 address to be identified as streams. IP addresses should be in network byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetStreamingPorts (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint16_t count, SpeedifySDK_StreamingPort *ports, SpeedifySDK_StreamingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set ports to be identified as streams Ports should be in host byte order. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetLanguage (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *language, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set the language used for error messages. More...
SpeedifySDK_SpeedTestResult | SpeedifySDK_GetSpeedTestResults (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SpeedTestCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get speed test results Supports Subscription. More...
SpeedifySDK_SpeedTestResult | SpeedifySDK_StartSpeedTest (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SpeedTestCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Start a speed test. More...
SpeedifySDK_SpeedTestResult | SpeedifySDK_StartStreamTest (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_SpeedTestCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Start a streaming test. More...
void | SpeedifySDK_UnregisterCallback (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_EventID eventId) |
| Unregister an asynchronous callback registered via other calls. More...
bool | SpeedifySDK_WaitOnCallback (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_EventID eventId, uint64_t timeoutMs) |
| Wait for an asynchronous result. More...
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_DaemonExit (CSpeedifySDK sdk) |
| Tells the Speedify daemon to exit cleanly. More...
void | SpeedifySDK_Free (void *object) |
| Free memory allocated by SpeedifySDK. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetHeaderCompression (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether to allow header compression of packets sent over the VPN. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetUlpReportIntervalSeconds (CSpeedifySDK sdk, unsigned long interval, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the interval between ULP reports. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetMaxRedundantSends (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint32_t maxRedundantSends, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the maximum number of connections to use to simultaneously send a redundant packet. More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetFixedDelay (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint32_t delay, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the target delay that is applied to packets in each direction for selected flows. The SDK attempts to deliver packets with a consistent latency (jitter buffer). More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetNetworkSharingSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get configuration of network sharing settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingClientEnabled (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether network sharing client will be active. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingHostEnabled (CSpeedifySDK sdk, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether network sharing host will be active. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingDisplayName (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingDisplayName displayName, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the display name of this device. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingConnectionResult | SpeedifySDK_ConnectToNetworkShareViaConnectCode (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingConnectCode hostConnectCode, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingConnectionCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Connects to a network share manually via a connect code. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingConnectionResult | SpeedifySDK_ReconnectToNetworkShare (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPeerUuid uuid, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingConnectionCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Reconnects to a previously authenticated network share. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingDiscoveryResult | SpeedifySDK_StartNetworkSharingDiscovery (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingDiscoveryCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Manually start (or restart) a discovery session. This lasts for 30 seconds. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingDiscoveryResult | SpeedifySDK_GetNetworkSharingDiscovery (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingDiscoveryCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get the state of network sharing discovery. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesResult | SpeedifySDK_GetNetworkSharesAvailable (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Gets the discovered network shares. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingConnectionResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForNetworkSharePeerStatusChange (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingConnectionCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Listen continuously for state changes and connection errors with peers. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingPeerAutoReconnect (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPeerUuid uuid, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether this device should automatically reconnect on discovery to a known network share. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingPeerAllowAsHost (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPeerUuid uuid, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether or not the peer at the given UUID may be treated as a host, i.e. whether this device may receive data from the host device at the given UUID. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingPeerAllowAsClient (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPeerUuid uuid, bool enabled, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAvailableSharesCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets whether or not the peer at the given UUID may be treated as a client, i.e. whether this device may share data with the client device at the given UUID. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairResult | SpeedifySDK_UnpairNetworkSharingPeer (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPeerUuid uuid, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Unpair from a device at the given UUID. Reports the current settings. If the device at uuid was a currently-connected peer, this call will also reports the now-unpaired peer's state change. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairResult | SpeedifySDK_RequestNetworkSharingPair (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPeerUuid uuid, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Initiate a pair request with the specified peer. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairResult | SpeedifySDK_AllowNetworkSharingPair (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPeerUuid uuid, bool allowed, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Allow or deny a pair request from the specified peer. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingPairRequestBehavior (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairRequestBehavior behavior, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets the behavior of pair requests from peers. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingSameUserAutoPair (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const bool allow, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if devices from the same user are automatically paired. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingAutoPairBehavior (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingAutoPairBehavior behavior, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if and how devices are automatically paired when discovered. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetNetworkSharingAlwaysOnDiscovery (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const bool enable, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Sets if discovery is always active. This can cause excessive battery usage. More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForNetworkSharePairRequest (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairCallback cb, void *userData) |
| listen for network share pair requests More...
SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairResult | SpeedifySDK_ListenForNetworkShareNewPeerAvailable (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_NetworkSharingPairCallback cb, void *userData) |
| listen for announcements of new peers on the network More...
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetMaximumConnectRetry (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint32_t timeout, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetMaximumTransportRetry (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint32_t timeout, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
SpeedifySDK_BaseResult | SpeedifySDK_SendFeedback (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *feedback) |
SpeedifySDK_LogReportResult | SpeedifySDK_SendLogReport (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *email, const char *message, const char *fileName, SpeedifySDK_LogReportCallback cb, void *userData) |
SpeedifySDK_SettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetPacketPoolSize (CSpeedifySDK sdk, const char *pool_size, SpeedifySDK_SettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
SpeedifySDK_DSCPSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_GetDSCPSettings (CSpeedifySDK sdk, SpeedifySDK_DSCPSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Get DSCP settings. More...
SpeedifySDK_DSCPSettingsResult | SpeedifySDK_SetDSCPQueues (CSpeedifySDK sdk, uint8_t count, SpeedifySDK_DSCPQueue *queues, SpeedifySDK_DSCPSettingsCallback cb, void *userData) |
| Set DSCP choose. More...