Speedify SDK for Android  15.3.0
List of all members
com.speedify.speedifysdk.ISpeedifyHandler Interface Reference

Detailed Description

Event Callback Interface.

All calls happen from main process unless otherwise noted. All calls are sent from background threads.

As of 11.1, EnableSDKHandlerFromBackground enables ISdkStateReceiver calls normally happening on the main process to also be delivered to the background process.

It is recommened to extend from SpeedifyHandler.

Inheritance diagram for com.speedify.speedifysdk.ISpeedifyHandler:
com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.ISdkStateReceiver com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.IForegroundServiceReceiver com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.IWebsocketIPCReceiver com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.INetworkSharingReceiver com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.IForegroundServiceStateReceiver com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.IForegroundNotificationReceiver com.speedify.speedifysdk.SpeedifyHandler

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.ISdkStateReceiver
default void OnLoginError (ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String message)
 Error when logging in. More...
default void OnActivationCode (ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String message, @NonNull String activationCode, @NonNull String activationUrl)
 Activation code result. More...
default void OnConnectError (ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String message)
 Error when connecting to a server. More...
default void OnState (State state)
 State update received. More...
default void OnConnectedServer (@Nullable ServerInformation serverInfo)
 Connected update received. More...
default void OnAdaptersList (@NonNull List< AdapterData > adapters)
 Network adapters list update received. More...
default void OnDirectory (@NonNull List< ServerInformation > servers)
 Directory update received This list can be refreshed with refreshDirectory. More...
default void OnConnectionStats (@NonNull ConnectionStatsGroup tunnelStats)
 Latest tunnel stats update. More...
default void OnConnectionStats (@NonNull List< ConnectionStatsGroup > tunnelStats)
 Historic tunnel stats update. More...
default void OnSessionStats (@NonNull SessionStatPeriods stats)
 Session stats update. More...
default void OnStreamingStats (StreamingStats stats)
 Streaming stats update. More...
default void OnNewAdapter (@NonNull String adapterID, NetworkType type)
 Notification for the first time seeing a new adapter. More...
default void OnAdapterOverlimit (@NonNull String adapterID, NetworkType type, @NonNull AdapterUsageData usageData)
 Notification when an adapter is near its daily or monthly data usage limit. More...
default void OnSettings (@NonNull Settings settings)
 Notification on settings change. More...
default void OnAccountingData (@NonNull AccountingData accounting)
 Accounting data update This can be refreshed with refreshAccounting. More...
default void OnPrivacySettings (@NonNull PrivacySettings privacy)
 Privacy settings update This can be refreshed with refreshPrivacy. More...
default void OnDirectorySettings (@NonNull DirectorySettings directorySettings)
 Directory settings update This can be refreshed with refreshDirectorySettings. More...
default void OnAccountCheckResult (ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String errorMessage, boolean accountExists)
 Account check result. More...
default void OnAccountCreateResult (ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String errorMessage)
 Account create result. More...
default void OnPasswordChangeResult (ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String errorMessage)
 Password change result. More...
default void OnTorrentDetection (boolean willDisconnect)
 A torrent use was detected. More...
default void OnNonVPNApplications (@NonNull List< String > nonVpnApps)
 List of apps configured to go around the VPN. More...
default void OnSettingError (@NonNull String settingAction, ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String message)
 Called in response to an error changing a setting. More...
default void OnLocalVendorSettings (@Nullable JSONObject settings)
 Local vendor settings update. More...
default void OnRemoteVendorSettings (@Nullable JSONObject settings)
 Remote vendor settings update. More...
default void OnVendorUserData (@Nullable String userData)
 Vendor user data update. More...
default void OnLocalProxySettings (@NonNull LocalProxySettings settings)
 Local proxy settings update. More...
default void OnFirewallSettings (@NonNull FirewallSettings settings)
 Firewall settings update. More...
default void OnStreamingSettings (@NonNull StreamingSettings settings)
 Streaming settings update. More...
default void OnLocalProxyDomainWatchlistHit (@Nullable String title)
 Called when a domain from a disabled localproxy domainwatchlist is detected. More...
default void OnCaptivePortals (@NonNull List< String > networks)
 Called when captive portals are detected. More...
default void OnServerSettings (@NonNull ServerSettings settings)
 Server settings update. More...
default void OnVPNPermissionResult (boolean hasPermission)
 Result of request for VPN permission. More...
default void OnLastDisconnectEvent (@NonNull DisconnectEvent lastDisconnectEvent)
 Result of request for the last disconnect event. More...
default void OnLogSettings (@NonNull DaemonLogSettings daemon)
 Log settings result. More...
default void OnSpeedTestResults (@NonNull List< SpeedTestResultData > results)
 Speed test result data. More...
default void OnLogReportResult (ErrorType errorType, @Nullable String message, @Nullable String ticketId)
 Result of a log report request. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.INetworkSharingReceiver
default void OnNetworkSharingSettings (NetworkSharing.Settings settings)
 Network sharing settings. More...
default void OnNetworkSharingDiscovery (boolean discoveryActive)
 Network sharing discovery state. More...
default void OnNetworkSharesAvailable (List< NetworkSharing.Peer > availableShares)
 Available network shares. More...
default void OnNetworkSharingPeerStatusChange (NetworkSharing.PeerRole role, NetworkSharing.PeerUuid uuid, NetworkSharing.PeerStatus peerStatus, NetworkSharing.TunnelStatus tunnelStatus, ErrorType errorType, String errorMessage)
 state changes and connection errors with peers More...
default void OnNetworkSharingPairRequest (NetworkSharing.PeerUuid uuid, String displayName)
 Event when a peer requests a pairing. More...
default void OnNetworkSharingNewPeerAvailable (NetworkSharing.PeerUuid uuid, String displayName)
 Event when a new peer is available. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.IForegroundServiceStateReceiver
default void OnServiceCreate (@NonNull Service service)
 Callback for vpn service OnCreate. More...
default void OnServiceDestroy (@NonNull Service service)
 Callback for vpn service OnDestroy. More...
default void OnServiceRemoved (@NonNull Service service)
 Callback for vpn service OnRemoved. More...
default void OnServiceRestart (State lastState)
 Callback when vpn service restarts after a crash, an application update, or any other unclean shutdown. More...
default boolean OnServiceStartError ()
 Error starting the vpn service. More...
default boolean OnServiceInterruptedError ()
 Error when another VPN starts, interrupting Speedify. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.IForegroundNotificationReceiver
void UpdateForegroundNotification (@NonNull Service service, @NonNull ServiceData serviceData)
 Callback to show a notification of the service state. More...
void HideForegroundNotification (@NonNull Service service)
 Callback when vpn service task is removed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.speedify.speedifysdk.receivers.IWebsocketIPCReceiver
default void OnWebsocketCreate ()
 Callback on websocket service's OnCreate. More...

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